• HSC Behind the Scenes

Preparing for trials

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  • Brain Train
  • HSC Behind the Scenes

Finding what motivates you

Year 12 was tough, to say the least. Between studying for hours at a time and worrying about getting into your degree, it often felt like the end was constantly out of reach. As soon as you finished...  Continue Reading

  • HSC Behind the Scenes

Getting 99.95 with Angela Zha

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar ...  Continue Reading

  • HSC Behind the Scenes

HSC Myths

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  • HSC Behind the Scenes

ATAR and Scaling

The ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) is a rank between 0 – 99.95 and is calculated using an aggregate of scaled marks consisting of 10 units of your HSC subjects: ...  Continue Reading

  • HSC Behind the Scenes
  • HSC Electives

Casually state ranking Legal, Modern and English Adv.

I feel the most important thing that helped my success came before I even started studying – that is, my choice of subjects. Pick subjects that you are interested in learning about, and that won’t...  Continue Reading

  • HSC Behind the Scenes
  • HSC Electives

It's okay to fail, but fail fast

The HSC is an experience that demands time and energy from you both academically and emotionally. As such, it will test your limits, but also give you the chance to discover what you are truly capable...  Continue Reading

  • Brain Train
  • HSC Behind the Scenes

HSC Survival Syllabus (not an official BOSTES subject)

The HSC is not defined by anxiety-ridden examinations – it’s a rich mix of greater freedoms and responsibilities. And during the year, I realised a few things: ...  Continue Reading


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